Barrel racing legend Sherri Cervi with her horses in Wisconsin.
A cowboy rides his horse at sunrise in Alpine Texas
Young Cowboy in hay loft
Cowboys ride into sunrise in West Texas
Cowboy rides horse in open field in Alpine Texas
Cowboy rides in the sun
Cowboys in a corral
Cowboy in western landscape
Cowgirl with her daughter play in tack room
Cowboys ride up a hill at sunset
Cowgirls ride in Texas
Forrie Smith of Yellowstone cast
Craftsman melts gold
White gold tubes
Water cools a drill during jewelry manufacturing
Jewelry manufacturing
Drilling a pearl during jewelry manufacturing
Diamond cutter inspects a diamond
Blacksmith uses a forge to make spurs.
Jewelry manufacturing
Man grinds metal
Chippewa Boots
Logger uses a chainsaw to cut logs
Models wear Chippewa Boots
Chainsaw with boots
Logger climes a stack of time
Chippewa boots
Chippewa boots
Herding cattle in the rain
Cowboy crosses a river
Cowboys rope cattle
Chippewa Boots
Barrel racing legend Sherri Cervi with her horses in Wisconsin.
A cowboy rides his horse at sunrise in Alpine Texas
Young Cowboy in hay loft
Cowboys ride into sunrise in West Texas
Cowboy rides horse in open field in Alpine Texas
Cowboy rides in the sun
Cowboys in a corral
Cowboy in western landscape
Cowgirl with her daughter play in tack room
Cowboys ride up a hill at sunset
Cowgirls ride in Texas
Forrie Smith of Yellowstone cast
Craftsman melts gold
White gold tubes
Water cools a drill during jewelry manufacturing
Jewelry manufacturing
Drilling a pearl during jewelry manufacturing
Diamond cutter inspects a diamond
Blacksmith uses a forge to make spurs.
Jewelry manufacturing
Man grinds metal
Chippewa Boots
Logger uses a chainsaw to cut logs
Models wear Chippewa Boots
Chainsaw with boots
Logger climes a stack of time
Chippewa boots
Chippewa boots
Herding cattle in the rain
Cowboy crosses a river
Cowboys rope cattle
Chippewa Boots